Dear Ndugu

Thoughts, Updates and More.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Blech, moving sucks.

I'm excited about the new place, just not the process.

Everything is out of my old house, just need to organize shit and figure out where everything goes in the new place.

Thursday, May 12, 2005
Well, it's official. I'm all done with school! Last final took place last night. It wasn't even a final, we just had a book discussion, then we went out to a bar with the teacher and drank beer for a couple hours. It was a great way to end the semester/ college. Graduation is on saturday, and the family comes into town tomorow, should be a lot of fun. Yee Haw!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Went and picked up the keys yesterday.

The place looks pretty nice. The old tennants could have cleaned up a bit more, but oh well. There's only a couple of problems, the biggest being a small hole in the ceiling of the bathroom, which leaves the drywall exposed. That should be fixed today.

We're going to do a major clean before we really start moving in. The kitchen and bathroom need to be bleached, heavily! The carpets got cleaned, and should be fine, but the kitchen floor could use a scrubbing. Soooo excting to get in there though.

Lastr night we walked from Matt's house to my new place: 2 minute walk!

In other news, I am super excited for August, thinking about making up some T-Shirts, we'll see if there's a market for em. I would really like to know where the fuck my seats are for Gorge, they are lagging like hell on that shit!


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