Dear Ndugu

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Monday, February 21, 2005
Ahhhhh mondays....

Mondays are turning into my favorite day of the week, only because it means I get to go bolwing that night. In return, Tuesdays are my worst day, cause I'm tired as all shit.

Last night Kelly and I went over to Lisa's house (matt's girlfriend) and watched Friday Night Lights with her and matt. It was AWESOME! If you haven't seen it, check it out, really good movie.

Today should be an easy day. I ahve class in a few minutes, then some reading to do then watching a movie for my Art of Film class. Today we're watching "The Seventh Seal" which is supposedly referenced in Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. I've never seen the Seventh Seal, but B&T's Bogus Journey was terrible. After the movie, it's dinner time followed by bowling. Tonight my goal is break 150. So far my all time personal best is 148, so we'll see what happens.

time for class....
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