Dear Ndugu

Thoughts, Updates and More.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Woo! Week three and bike riding continues! I'm pretty proud of myself for keeping up with it. It has totally saved me a lot in gas money and it is really good exercise. The rain should be starting within the next 3-6 weeks, hopefully it is more like six, the more bike riding the better.

For the first time in a while it feels like things are controlled. I paid off a credit card last week, which was a small step, but a very important one. I've still got three more to go, but I'm making progress, and would really like to see myself not use them during the holiday season.

I've been working a ton lately, upwards of 48 hours a week. It is a bit tiring, but the money is good, and I'm too busy to spend it, hence the credit card bill going away.

I work in the sales department today, should be a nice piece of cake...
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