Dear Ndugu

Thoughts, Updates and More.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Interesting evalutaion: what you watch can affect you in a major way. This may come as no surprise for most, and had I read that sentence anytime before yesterday I would have said "no shit!" There is more to the story though than I would have previously thought.

I woke up yesterday and watched a documentary called "Wal-Mart: The High Price of Low Cost." It was all about the policies and practices of Wal-Mart, a corporation I knew about and detested. The film confirmed my previous thoughts and at times, made me even angrier. I just can not understand how it works. A giant company opens shop in a town, pays their employees little to nothing, expects them to work off the clock and offers minimal benefits, yet people line up to shop there. The towns even offer Wal Mart subsidies to set up shop in their community. It boggles the mind. Wal Mart was targeting the city I live in, but the people of Eurkea said "NO" and the nearest Wal-Mart is 90 miles away. I've been inside one Wal Mart and will never go in another. If you haven't already, please read Nickeled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America it is a fantastic book written by Barbara Ehrenreich, who takes on the task of working several minimum wage jobs, one of which being Wal Mart. I read this book and first thought "wow, that place sounds horrible." The more I investigated the more I decided that I would not support such a company, watching the documentary yesterday confirmed my thoughts.

I work for Costco, a "big box" store. I know my views on Wal Mart can be construed as hypocritical, but trust me, as much as I dislike my job, they take care of me. I make a living wage (and then some for Eureka) and have full benefits. I also always get paid for my overtime.

I guess I should get back to my original point. I watched that movie and got to work and was instantly in a BAD mood. I was totally aggressive and bitched out my manager for no real reason. I later appologized and told her I was in a bad mood but did not know why. It was not until I got home and started talking to Kelly that I realized I was in such a bad mood because of the damn movie I has watched that morning. It all made sense after that. I was really shocked that the movie had such an impact on me, especially since it took me 10 hours to realize it.

I'm not sure what the "point" of this blog was, but I just needed to get it out.


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